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LUMENE #LightTheWay

Women's day event / Naistenpäivän tapahtuma, Fotonokka HKI



For Women's day we designed an event set-up for Lumene Finland at Fotonokka Studio in Helsinki. The event celebrated strong and diverse women, and served at the same time as the launch to Lumene's #lighttheway campaign.


The campaign videos and images had all been shot in the same studio at Fotonokka in Sörnäinen. The event was designed to be a "look behind the scenes" of the campaign shoot, making the guests feel like they're a part of the campaign and its message. 


Naistenpäivän kunniaksi stailasimme Lumenelle vaikuttajatapahtuman Fotonokka Studiolle Helsinkiin. Tapahtumassa juhlistettiin vahvoja ja joukosta erottuvia naisia, samalla lanseeraten Lumenen uuden #lighttheway -kampanjan.


Kampanjan videot ja kuvat oli kuvattu samaisessa studiossa Sörnäisissä. Tapahtuman ideana olikin saada vieraat tuntemaan itsensä osaksi kampanjaa ja sen sanomaa - kuin pieni kurkistus kulissien taakse.

Hey Look - for Lumene Women's day event-
Hey Look - for Lumene Women's day event-
Hey Look - for Lumene Women's day event-
Hey Look - for Lumene Women's day event-
Hey Look - for Lumene Women's day event-
Hey Look - for Lumene Women's day event-
Hey Look - for Lumene Women's day event-
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